 100 ml of syrup contain 12,227g plantain liquid extract, 12,227g licorice liquid extract and 0,611 g ammonium chloride.

Bronchopulmonary disorders with viscous sputum, that can not be eliminated by the mucociliary clearance process and by cough: tracheobronchitis, acute or chronic bronchitis,accompanied by irritating cough; in the prophylaxis of complications related to pre and postoperative cough effort.

Always use Calmofluid-T following your physician prescription.
– adults and children over 10 years of age: 10 ml of syrup, 3-4 times /day;
children over 3 years of age: 5 ml of syrup, 4 times / day;
– children between 1-3 years of age: 2.5 ml of syrup, 3 times / day.
Due to the licorice extract, Calmofluid-T is not recommended for prolonged use or in higher doses than those indicated.

100 ml bottle